Busy weekend - how 'bout Mondays?  Find a campus with Monday Night Services!

Eat Together. Meet Together.

Do Life Together.

Experience the impact Groups can have on your life, and find a group that is right for you.

This event is perfect for individuals and families alike who are curious about groups and seeking community through shared life stages and seasons, activities, and topics. Register, show up and find out why we say

“life is better together!”

Event Dates & Time

This is an evening event you do not want to miss. Select your campus below to register for CCV's Groups Preview experience.

For Attendees

  • Come hungry as dinner will be served! We will start the event with a meal where you'll be able to connect with Group Coaches and others looking for a group.
  • Come as you are! This is an event for you to find your people and the only way to do that is to be your authentic self. Show up as the person God so wonderfully created!
  • There is a group FOR you and NEAR you! Whether you find a group to connect with or simply experience group atmosphere, this is a great first step in finding a community to do life together!
  • Childcare will be provided, so be sure to register your kids who will be attending childcare.

For Coaches

This is a great event for new coaches and those with room to grow.

Connect with your Associate Pastor for the opportunity to meet new people, connect with other coaches and share how God’s moving in your group!


How long is the event?

This event will run about 2 hours.

Who can attend?

Groups Preview is primarily intended for adults 18 years and older who are new to CCV Groups; however, others are welcome who may have tried groups before but are still looking for the best fit.

Do I need to pre-register?

Pre-registration is not required but strongly recommended to account for food and childcare needs. Walk-ups are welcome, so feel free to invite someone to share this experience with you!

Will there be childcare?

Childcare will be provided on all campuses. Registration is encouraged prior to the event. Please indicate the need for childcare in the registration and list the names and ages for each child attending.